Author: Sara Stanislawski

Placing my identity in Him

When I was young, my family and I went to church most Sundays. But when it was time to go to children’s ministry, I was always scared to be away from them and nervous to interact with others. As a kid and through high school, it felt like I was always worrying — about school…
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From Fear to Fellowship

I grew up with lots of christians in my life, starting in my own family. My dad was a pastor until I was in middle school. I accepted Jesus into my life at a very young age and was baptized by my dad when I was 11. Throughout middle school and high school, I was…
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Trusting in God’s Redemptive Plan

Like many, I come from a family with generational cycles of brokenness. Patterns of divorce, substance abuse, and fractured relationships have all painted a picture of love that is unstable. My identity was rooted in perfection through academics and sports, and I surrounded myself with busyness to give meaning to my life. Amidst many life…
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Fully Surrendered

I’ve always been a rule-following oldest child. Growing up with Christian parents, Christianity is what I always knew, and it just seemed like the right thing to do because it’s what they did. I always strove to do my best and do the right thing. This led to me becoming more distracted with everything I…
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Finding Empathy

I grew up in a Christian household going to church every Sunday and going to volunteer in the children’s ministry when I could. Life revolved around hobbies like legos and video gaming. I always put myself first, not really anyone else. Did not have a lot of friends growing up and when I really only…
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Finding Joy and Freedom in the Greatest Story

Ever since I was a kid, I have always been drawn to stories and storytelling, whether it was through books, plays, music, TV shows, or, as I would ultimately end up dedicating my career to, movies. Unlike a lot of young Christians, I did not grow up in a Christian home. I was baptized Catholic…
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He is Worthy of it All

Throughout high school, I placed my identity in sports and friends. I played four years of football and ran four years of track. Football gave me a sense of purpose in life. I was a part of something bigger than myself, and I fully bought into that. I rarely missed an offseason workout or practice…
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What I Needed, I Already Had

When I was young, I didn’t have many close friends. I was one of those kids that played football with a group of friends at recess and worked with whoever my table mates were in class just to finish the assignment as fast as possible. I wasn’t in any sports until middle school and attended…
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Forever worthy of love

If you would’ve told me two years ago that I would be a sophomore in college pursuing nursing, living with 8 Christian girls, happy with who she was, and on a crazy spiritual journey, I simply wouldn’t believe you. Two years ago I was struggling with anxiety, depression, feelings of worthlessness, broken relationships, and alcohol.…
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From Insecurity to Unexplainable Peace

Reflecting back, it’s clear that my life revolved mostly around myself, and how I can portray myself in the best way possible. Now my identity is in being a favored son of God. Ever since I was a little kid, I remember going to church every weekend and knew that it was an important aspect…
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