Author: Bailey Malueg

Wanderer Pursued by Christ

My life revolved around knowing better but walking away anyway. I don’t really remember a life before Christ. I remember always enjoying talking about God and I loved learning about Him. When I hit high school though I had a hard time aligning everything I knew about God with how I wanted to live. I…
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Give it All to God

Even though I’ve been a Christian most of my life, one of my biggest struggles has been trusting God with my decisions and putting my life in his hands to trust in his plan for me. Pride and selfishness have led to me choosing my opinion over letting God have a say in my life.…
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Who Am I?

For much of my life, I felt as though I was not “good enough.” Comparing myself to others was my measuring stick when it came to determining personal success. In high school, academic achievement, athletic performance, physical appearance, and social ability were the lenses my mind impulsively analyzed my peers through. I felt that I…
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Laura’s Story

Growing up, I was always known as the “perfect Christian girl” in school and with all my friends. They saw me go to church sometimes, go to bible camp in the summer, and occasionally talk about Jesus. It was very easy to hide behind this view of myself. I thought that as long as people…
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No Longer a Slave to Acceptance

When I think of a phrase to describe my story I think of a roller coaster of seeking identity. The infamous and sticky word of identity. Who are we? When I was 3, I was adopted from Shenzhen, China and quickly assimilated into American culture. The parts of me that many may assume of me…
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Growing up, I didn’t really have a connection with God. My family took me to church, and I did things like Vacation Bible School and Awana, but then when I got home, there was always fighting. The worst part was I didn’t have any escape from it because I was homeschooled, and at that point,…
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It wasn’t until I stopped looking for acceptance that I realized I fully was. Starting at a young age I remember basing a lot of my worth and my joy on being known and recognized.  I had a very supportive family, one that loved me so well, but I have always felt this inner need…
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Learning Love

Like many, I was raised in a loving, Christian home. I was baptized in the church as an infant and to me, church on Sunday was just another part of normal life growing up. I grew up hearing the same stories in Sunday School, singing the same songs, and watching Veggietales like many other Christians…
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Jesus My Comforter

Growing up in a home of two loving Christian Indonesian immigrant parents with a Lutheran background was the norm of my life. I was going through the motions of a Christian, such as being baptized at a very early age, attending church service almost every week, memorizing Scripture, and attending confirmation classes until I got…
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Trying to understand God’s love through self hate

By the grace of God I have always had godly role models to look up to. The most influential being my parents. From a young age it was plain to see that Jesus meant something to my parents. My parents weren’t perfect but I specifically remember watching how my Dad served others, and it never…
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