He is Worthy

He is Worthy

Since birth, seemingly, I’ve been hard-wired to need something to live for, something to invest in and pour my time into. For a while, this was whatever interest I had in my life at the time. I was very introverted growing up, and I went through a long computer phase, playing games online far too often, and for far too long. I would want to go home when I was out, just to jump on the computer. I went through a movie phase, constantly checking to see what movies were coming out, and what I wanted to see. I went through a huge sports phase, and I would find myself daydreaming about my favorite teams winning it all someday (because, unfortunately, I am from Minnesota). I had what teams I cheered for in all my social media profiles. These things are what I believed were worth putting my emotions into and finding my joy in.

I grew up in a church-attending home, going to a church youth group in junior high and high school, as well. In second grade, my church had a Bible-reading contest and, being an avid reader, I picked it up. Even after it ended, I just kept going and read the whole thing. God revealed Himself to me during that process, and I’ve believed in Him and basic Christian teachings ever since, but my relationship with Him was hampered by the idols I’ve mentioned above. I was sinning, which means I was violating God’s law by loving those things above Him, who commands all people to love Him with all their heart, soul, and mind. I wasn’t doing that, I was disobeying God by running to idols and giving them a far greater place in my life than they deserved. I went from one to another, not really finding anything that lasted.

When I came to UW-Madison, I knew I wanted to do something related to my faith, so I joined a Christian movement called Cru and started going to a weekly Bible study. However, I had not yet put him front and center in my life. My relationship with God didn’t really begin to solidify until my sophomore year at UW Madison. I began sharing my faith with other people and reading the Bible again on my own time, as well. Then I went on a summer mission to North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where He guided me in sharing my faith with dozens of people and showed me vibrant Christian community. This is where God impressed on me how worthy He is of my loyalty, adoration, and praise. I almost never cry, but I was brought to tears at various points that summer, such as on a few car rides back from my work, when I contemplated how God is everything. I realized that God is who I can joyfully live for, and that the world must know the Gospel.

I don’t want to imply I’m perfect now. Following God doesn’t mean you will instantly stop sinning, but instead, that will you be gradually made more like Him. God has forgiven me for my past of holding onto other things. He has also enabled me to be kinder and more forgiving towards people. How did he forgive me, and how could he forgive you? This is where the Gospel comes in. The first four books of the New Testament in the Bible tell the story of how God, out of his love for the world, sent to the world His Son, Jesus Christ, who lived a perfectly obedient, sinless life, and died on the cross for the sins of everyone who would ever
believe in Him. Then, after three days in a tomb, he rose again. “Believing” in Jesus means trusting Him for your forgiveness of sins, by his grace alone through your faith alone, and following Him until the very end in joyful obedience, no matter the cost. One of the marks of a Christian is that old sins start to lessen in frequency or go away. No one is saved by good deeds, as all people everywhere have sinned and deserve punishment, but by believing in Jesus. I am in awe that I have been given a clean slate, and saved from the penalty of my sins that I deserve, an eternity in hell under the wrath of God. Believe in and follow Jesus, and you can be forgiven of your sins and be reconciled to the only being in existence worthy of your obedience and praise.

What do you think?

If this story has encouraged you to place your faith in Jesus as your Savior and your Lord, you can do so right now, or anytime you are ready, by sincerely expressing a simple prayer to Him. Prayer is simply talking with God. The exact words are not as important as the attitude of your heart. Here is a suggested prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross to pay for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive you as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Start making me the kind of person you want me to be.”

2 Responses

  1. Peter Nelson says:

    Great message of hope Curran. So proud to know how God has found you in the midst of your life. Thank you for taking a stand for Jesus. Your life is making an impact on others for eternity.

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