Rollercoaster Relationship

Rollercoaster Relationship

My Aunt Cherry is the one who catalyzed my walk with Christ. During her long battle with brain cancer, she had me read her Bible verses whenever I came to visit, and she told me stories of how God had worked in her life. I will never forget what she gave me before she died: a bright yellow floral package containing an angel pin and a note, “To my little Angel, never forget to follow the Lord.”

After my aunt’s passing, my relationship with Christ began its decline, the first of many that I experienced on my journey with Christianity. I still identified myself as Christian, but I felt that my surface level readings of the Bible, spotty youth group attendance, and rushed nightly prayers were enough to sustain my status as a Christian. “I’ll develop a better relationship with Him, later,” I selfishly thought. I held this mindset throughout middle school, which made a series of trying times in my life sting even harder. After the turmoil ended, I realized my mindset needed tweaking. I had a deep desire to reconnect with the Lord so I could cast my fears and worries on Him, rather than bottling them inside.

In high school, I took a leap of faith and started attending my church’s youth group more. In the past, I was apprehensive because I feared there was no place for me in the tight knit groups of friends who seemed to be further along in their faith than I. I was wrong. It was here that I met close friends who encouraged me in my faith, and who provided an escape from the gossip and drama of high school. I also joined the worship band and grew my relationship with God in a way that I had never done before. I was in a high in my relationship with Him, and while it felt amazing, I started taking it for granted.

When senior year rolled around, college was the only thing on my mind. Applications, interviews, and essays consumed so much of my mind and time, that I neglected to grow my faith and keep my sanity by attending youth group and reading my Bible. When things did not work out with my dream school, I took it hard. I realized I was so caught up with my own plan for my life, that I did not listen to God and what He had planned for me.

It turns out, UW-Madison was in His plan, and it is here that I have the most enriched relationship with the Lord than I have ever had before. When school started, I prayed that I would soon find a group of Christian friends who were not into the party scene. God works lighting fast sometimes, as soon after, I was sitting at the Memorial Union when a girl sat down at my table. She had a question about connecting to the wifi, but paused when she saw my Jesus laptop sticker and said, “Oh! I like your sticker! Do you know of any good churches around here?” We started talking, quickly became friends, and started attending Blackhawk Church together. I also became involved with Cru, and a bible study that meets in my dorm. Both of which have been such a blessing in my life.

I’m learning to place my trust in God in all aspects, and to put His plans before my own. My journey has not been perfect, and I know I will endure more highs and lows. However, I know that if I “never forget to follow the Lord,” I will never be disappointed by God’s everlasting love and guidance.

What do you think?

If this story has encouraged you to place your faith in Jesus as your Savior and your Lord, you can do so right now, or anytime you are ready, by sincerely expressing a simple prayer to Him. Prayer is simply talking with God. The exact words are not as important as the attitude of your heart. Here is a suggested prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross to pay for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive you as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Start making me the kind of person you want me to be.”

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