Author: Jack Anderson

Found Again

For most of my life, my faith lacked depth and true understanding. I grew up in the church, going every weekend with my family, just as four previous generations of my family had within the same congregation. I was involved in Awana, various youth groups and even the worship team; however, I found myself participating…
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Understanding His Love

I was baptized in a very traditional Lutheran church. I attended that church for several years until my family decided to switch to a more modern Lutheran church. I went to Sunday school every week in elementary school, confirmation in middle school, and taught Sunday school in high school. I learned the books of the…
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From Feelings to Fufillment

My story involves feelings and lots of them – feelings of uncertainty, of unworthiness, of being unwanted, and of never being good enough. These feelings ran wild in my head, day and night, and I couldn’t control them no matter how hard I tried. Maybe you can relate to this. My life has done a…
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A Father to the Fatherless

For as long as I can remember, my family has always been involved in the church. Throughout my life, I have participated in Daisies, Awanas, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group, and I even began volunteering in the children’s ministry at my church during the Saturday night services. The Lord has always been an integral part…
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Double Life –> Fully Surrendered

My family and I have always identified as Christians, went to church, and prayed before meals, but unfortunately, that is the extent to which our faith went. That is, until I went to my first FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) camp when I was 12 years old. I was exposed to the true word of…
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Daily Growth is Enough

All faith journeys are unique, beautiful and tangible evidence of God’s greatness. Some people come to know Christ through seemingly unexplainable miracles or through extreme hardships. There is often a specific event or turning point in and individual’s life that brings them to a place where they come to accept Christ as their savior and…
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Freed by Forgiveness

Growing up, I had one identity to most people around me-the good girl. I went to church on Sundays, I followed the rules, I got good grades. But this label made me feel trapped, I was more than that one label and though my friends and family saw it, no one else seemed to. Coming…
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Molded by God

I’ve been attended church for almost 15 years now, and watching the church grow as I grew was an amazing experience for me. But even as I neared the end of my high school days I continued to be amazed by the baptism testimonies of others. I remember listening them and wondering how all these…
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The Gospel Changes Your Plans

Since beginning high school, I desired to have a successful job that would earn me a lot of money and status. I have always been interested in science and health care and value caring for and helping those in need. After exploring different career options, I decided I wanted to become a physician assistant (PA).…
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Learning to Trust His Plan

I grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ into my life at a young age. When I started school, I learned about who Christ is through religion class, Sunday school, and youth group. God’s story and what he did started to unfold as I grew up in the church. In 8th grade, my…
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